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During the past few public speaking gigs I have been fortunate enough to have presented, it’s become so clear to me, than every person, regardless of being a business owner or employee, needs to own page 1 of Google, if searched for by name.

I started Business, Bikes and Breakfast as a pet project, an experiment, a fun day out in February 2019 with nothing more than an idea, an Instagram page and some cool images stolen of the interwebs. Its now reached hundreds of people and is gaining momentum both in the paid for coaching events as well as the free social rides. This is my movement. This is my culture. This is my expertise and this is me owning my narrative and Google page 1!

Here is what I believe in:

  • EMBRACE FAILURE [and keep improving!]

Very simple in nature and way more difficult in practise. I’ve started a community, which is hard, but hugely satisfying.

In the years to come, it will be these communities and events that will give me pleasure, not give me regrets and will the things I’ve done in life I’m most proud of on the business front.

There are a few other lessons learned here too:

  1. Double niche [Entrepreneurs who own bikes].
  2. Allow the community to contribute and change the way you operate in some way.
  3. Document the hell out of the events.
  4. Share content and let the community become your ambassadors and influencers.
  5. Fail publicly, you wont regret it.

If you want to find out more, drop me an email or Whatsapp.

Enjoy some of the images below from the 2nd BBBRAP social ride in Jo’burg on the 16th February. [All the cool ones are thanks to Richard Harper]


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