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Lerato litheko spillly

Back in high school I had no idea what I wanted to do, probably because I felt that my school made me feel That I had to excel in either maths or science. Nothing else was exposed to us with as much emphasis. I considered being a lawyer (like my dad) or maybe a social worker because my mom is a nurse. I’m from Thaba Nchu and went to school in Bloemfontein so my exposure to the world was limited and I still needed to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.

It became my mission to expose myself to anything and everything and always learn at every opportunity. I wanted to experience everything life had to offer. I’m Taurian, so ‘life’ is always a fun-filled mission.

After high school I attended to Damelin for year and studied Business management and a computer skills course. I wanted to go to Cape Town but my parents didn’t think had a valid reason to leave Bloemfontein. I chose to ignore my family and went to Cape Town to study a fashion design course, 2 weeks before it began. I finished my 3-year course and received my diploma proving I could achieve whatever I put my mind to. When I want something or to go somewhere, I always make a plan.

I still had not lost the need to explore and knew that there was always more to see and discover, so Jo’burg was my next stop. I had planned on coming to work in the fashion industry but I couldn’t find a job that would allow me to move there. I wanted this, so I made a plan and packed up, one suitcase and missioned!

Upon my arrival in Jo’burg, in 2008, I couldn’t find a full-time job so I waitressed at a restaurant in Newtown called Sophiatown.‘ I was quickly promoted to management. My work experience now covers managing a restaurant, working with Jo’burgs top fashion designers, the film industry and managing live events for multinational brands and artists.

I will never stop pushing myself and exploring my capabilities. I may not be a large corporation but I am my own brand and I’m excited to keep travelling – never knowing what I will come across or who will come across me!




lerato Litheko spillly

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