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Developing a marketing communications plan using the SOSTAC model

By 25th September 2014 No Comments

Ask any consultant, business adviser or successful business owner what you need when starting or developing a business? The answer will invariably include “A Good Marketing Plan”.

It is certainly the case that if you want to successfully build a business, a plan of where you are going is essential.

But it can be little help if this plan is simply an overview of objectives and strategy. It is important that the plan is a practical document, actively used in the ongoing management of the business, rather than a nice report that sits on a shelf gathering dust. Over many years working with clients in developing effective Marketing Plans, I have found that the SOSTAC Model developed in the 1990’s by PR Smith is difficult to beat.

It is a straightforward model that goes systematically through the steps to build a marketing plan, and helps to ensure that all relevant factors are considered, without the need to go into excessive and expensive detail. The model then continues to look at the practical issues of putting the plan into practice.

DOWNLOAD this working tool below:



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