It certainly isn’t easy to start a business, run it successfully and become the ideal entrepreneur that you know you’re capable of becoming. Our ever-changing world can be unpredictable, often demanding time, effort and energy – which all need proper allocation to ensure that you remain efficient in every aspect of running your business.
One thing that is certain – an unavoidable truth that every business owner is aware of – is that improvements can be made in your business, social and personal life with the help of a business coach. No bullshit.
And you know that a business coach will make all the difference in the world if:
- You Feel Like You Could Develop And Grow As A Leader and are in need of powerful tools and techniques to improve your relations and ability to motivate staff, as well as yourself.
I’ve been there before and it isn’t always easy to grow without proper nourishment. Being that it is lonely at the top, you find yourself in a situation where you don’t know who to look to for new ways to grow and evolve. It can be hard to juggle the many things that you find yourself wrapped up in, so finding new techniques and methods to turn you into a better leader is often the last thing on your mind.
That’s why I come prepared with modern, relatable and easily digestible advice, bringing speed and nourishment to your development. I have the experience, tools, knowledge and techniques to bring you closer to your staff and to that status of an impactful and proud leader.
- You Need Someone To Push You And Make You More Accountable as you would feel more driven and find comfort in having somebody around to keep you on the right track.
It’s not uncommon to find that having a friend or partner around with the same interests helps to extract the drive to accomplish more. It’s sometimes hard to be in a position where you feel stagnant and have the final say. I have people that I do running with that push me to try harder and create a sense of accountability if I dare to be lazy or feel like giving up.
You’re certainly not alone if that’s how you prefer to operate. Yes, it can be difficult to find somebody that truly understands your position, that you know you can trust and relate to, but there is a silver-lining. As someone that knows the importance of an exemplar, I can do exactly that for you, while pushing you to excel and take responsibility for your actions or inaction.
- The Struggle Of Work-Life Balance Is Real and you’re struggling to find that perfect ratio in order to keep you from tearing at the seams.
Time acts as a commodity when running a business and it can be difficult to figure out when to take a break or to keep pushing. I’ve made the mistake of pushing myself too hard when I was a business owner, literally to the extent of causing harm to my mental well-being.
Therapy helped with that and I now know how valuable creating the right balance is when dealing with that stress. I can relate in many ways. Don’t wear yourself thin and let someone like me help you make sense of the pressure that you feel yourself dealing with. I’ll help you understand your goals and ambitions, offering a course of action to help you achieve them.
- You Have Plenty Of Ideas And Great Vision, but need an objective soundboard to give you critical feedback and constructive criticism, because when you’re all the way at the top, it becomes harder to find people without ulterior motives to bounce ideas off of.
Whether it’s an employee that you think you can trust, or even a family member, the sad truth is that most people act in their own best interest. You’re in a position of power and people are aware of that, so they tend to stroke your ego, instead of being authentic.
Having to deal with sycophants can be a real pain in the ass. I know it all too well. That’s why I prefer to be blunt and avoid sugar-coating my feedback to clients. At the end of the day, we all deserve transparency and the truth. It can be refreshing to receive clarity instead of an arse kissing at every corner.
- It’s Hard To Determine What’s Really Important in your daily activities, what you need to focus on and what to do next.
Keeping your finger on the pulse at all times can prove to be difficult. As a business owner, it’s hard to rely on your staff to keep all of the different verticals in check, so you need to be aware of and involved in everything that goes on at all times.
Finding order within that chaos can be challenging, especially when you’ve taken on such a tremendous responsibility. That’s where I come in. I’m fully aware of every aspect of your business that needs attention, so I create and implement processes in an organised and uncomplicated manner that gives you the relief that you’ve been craving.
- Your Motivation Is Starting To Dwindle and you need a catalyst to give you more clarity, joy and hope in what you do.
As time progresses, you find yourself with less and less motivation, enjoyment and interest in what you do. You might not know what the next step to take is and require a change of pace or direction to keep you hooked. I know that feeling all too well. It took me years of doing the same routine until I snapped and my motivation shattered.
Finding new and interesting ways to make things exciting is something that I have also struggled with in the past and it’s something that I’m always helping clients deal with. Sometimes a refreshing new perspective, strategy or change in pace is needed and I can bring you that energy and relief.
By refreshing your perspective and re-igniting your passion, I bring new perspectives and approaches to catalyse your personal development. You’ll see and feel business through a shiny, new lens.
Bonus Reason #7:
+ Your Company Lacks A Differentiating Factor that will advance your growth and separate you from the pack.
Everything that you do has the chance of reaching a point where it becomes stale and sometimes it can feel like there’s an expiration date looming in the near distance. You find that everything is coming to a stage of mediocrity and your business feels boring and needs a certain something to help it stand out from the competition.
It may seem like your business is similar to milk at this stage; it was delicious, full of promise and packed with nutrients, but all milk spoils and begins to stink after a while. And I can change that. I’m not saying that I’m Jesus or anything, but I can certainly change your business from bitter milk to a fine wine; even tastier, far more beneficial, sought after and on a path of maturation, rather than expiration.
If you seek moments of greatness, sparks of excitement and enthusiasm, a fresh perspective, and more enjoyment around running your business – then I think it’s time…
… It’s time to get off your ass and mount that stallion; take charge and embrace the speed, comfort and strength that you know you deserve.
I’m certain that you could do with some real coaching, from a real business coach that knows how to keep it real. Make sure you get in touch – you know I’m what you need:
+2783 253 3339