“Why is everyone unfollowing me?”
chances are:
- You tweet too much
- You don’t tweet enough
- You always spam me
- You’re following Bots
- You keep asking people to follow you
- You openly discuss personal stuff but you take everything personally
- You act like an enemy
- You don’t have a bio and you still have an egg avatar
- You’re following too many people
- You only talk about yourself & product
- #You #use #hashtags #for #every #fucking #word #always
- There are no replies on your timeline
- U spk sms
- You’re a bully
- You’re too negative
- You’re too positive
- You’re obsessed with how many followers everyone else has
- You don’t have a real life
- You generate too much noise
- You have a protected account
- You only follow celebrities & retweet them
- You retweet your compliments
- You’re too argumentative
- You find everything offensive
- You blame the wrong people
- You ask for retweets
- You “just dont get twitter”
Get it now?
Before every tweet you do, ask yourself if you are doing some or all of these and I promise you will maintain followers. ALWAYS.
Got more than 27? Let me know here.