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Mind your FKN Language (In Business)

By Business Coaching Creative Leadership Public Speaking No Comments

Running a business brings about all sorts of challenges and it goes without saying that communication is one of them. Finding the right language to use to get your point across and convey the impact of certain situations that arise within your company isn’t always the easiest thing to do.

Whether a meeting needs to be had about important changes happening in your business, or a long-time client is on the line and you need to act quickly to prevent losing them; conveying that information in a way that creates a common and coherent understanding amongst employees can be a bit of a pain in the ass, to be brutally honest.

Naturally, your favourite bearded business coach has a special trick up his sleeve to go about doing this in a straightforward and uncomplicated way:

Similar to the DEFCON (Defense Readiness Condition) system that the US Armed Forces makes use of, this approach is about creating a method of communication around urgent and important situations that pop up in your business – which can be helpful in developing an efficient and clear form of understanding between both staff and management.

This is a DEFCON 1 situation, so you’d better pay close attention.

Listen Closely. Your Job Could Depend On It! 

If I ask you to think about the situations that surface in your business and how you go about informing others of those situations, then the use of effective communication is a massive priority in getting your message across and understood.

If something serious is happening and the life of the business depends on certain actions to be taken; if you’re implementing a new strategy and everybody needs to be made aware of it; or if there’s a new rule, regulation or law that needs to be adopted by employees – starting a system of language that your staff understand and are aware of will help you gather them much quicker than an email that they might not read, or a lengthy statement that might spread confusion.

When I coach clients, I remind them that using the right communication tools are important in creating awareness around the defense conditions within their business.

The use of strategic language is a crucial tool to develop a sense of understanding around these conditions and it allows for a level of brevity when trying to get an important message across to staff.

Knowing whether it’s an existential problem that the company is facing (like the threat of a shut down), or if it’s something that can be dealt with at a later stage (like the implementation of new policies), it ultimately helps create a clear picture that everybody in the organisation can understand.

Reworking The DEFCON System Into Business 

The DEFCON system is basically a prescribed set of terms that highlight the urgency of dire situations being faced during war through the use of strategic language. It helps to ensure a sense of readiness so that the correct actions are taken and so by using it, everybody involved in the defence of a country will be informed of the severity of those situations, ensuring that certain measures are in place to deal with them.

When breaking it down, the ranking starts at DEFCON 5 (least severe/minor) and works its way to DEFCON 1 (most severe/serious) – and It functions extremely well when communicating serious and minor issues that need attention.

That’s why it’s such a great tool to adapt and implement into your business.

By creating a similar ranking system in the workplace, you’re able to quickly communicate a situation and ensure that the most appropriate responses are given by both management and staff. This speeds up action and creates a common awareness amongst everyone.

Instead of using long-winded and tedious statements like, “everybody, we have an urgent meeting at 5 o’clock and you all need to be there,” you’ll make use of a much quicker term or phrase, such as, “I’m calling a DEFCON 1 for 5 o’clock”, or “it’s a Defcon 5, when can everyone make it?”.

Obviously, you need to make sure that everyone in your business is aware of this terminology and that it’s taught in a way to be used in the right context.

If you abuse the language, then people will attach less importance to the severity of the situation that each term entails and it might be rendered useless. Do you remember the story of ‘the boy who cried wolf’? Well, the moral of the story is that you shouldn’t give an alert for danger when there is no danger, otherwise nobody will care about what you have to say when danger actually presents itself.

Make your DEFCON 1 known to be a serious matter and that employees should act accordingly. Perhaps you indicate that it refers to the risk of losing an important client – everybody needs to take that indication seriously, shift gears and take necessary action.

You also don’t have to use that particular ranking system in your business – I have clients that use a Bronze, Silver and Gold system or an animal-based system (zebra, rhino, snake) to differentiate the levels of severity.

Whatever imagery you choose, remember that it needs to be understood in a logical and applicable way.

Other than the fact that it creates ease-of-communication between management and staff, it can help bolster a stronger organisational culture; employees are essentially connected through a common language, allowing them to have a shared form of understanding. It creates a deeper bond within teams and forms a common-ground for everybody involved.

With this system, you will come to find more appropriate responses given when problems come to surface and that everybody is on the same wavelength when having to face difficult circumstances.

Come up with a set of terms. Train your organisation to react according to those terms. And get shit done properly through effective communication.

I’m calling a DEFCON 2, so you need to pay some serious attention right now.

Sources tell me that your business needs some TLC and that your time is far too scattered for you to make improvements in your strategies, communication and the overall operations of your business.

So in doing you a solid, I’ve called in some backup:

An experienced and well-balanced business coach, armed with powerful weapons, enough ammunition and the most superb strategies to take on any challenge that your business presents.

That business coach is me. So act fast, make the call (an email or Whatsapp will also do) and don’t be shy to reap the rewards.

+2783 253 3339


Death Or Disability – Don’t Be Selfish.

By Consulting Motivation No Comments

We all try to avoid the inevitable. And even if it’s just a case of thinking about it – death will always deal with a grimace. Although the decision to retire and comfortably wither away with age is one that we all keep close to us – you never truly know what life might have in store for you.

With the world that we live in, it would be naive to assume that being invincible is an option. At any given moment, unforeseen circumstances might take control of the steering wheel and change your life in ways that you could never have predicted.

So, being that life is short and unpredictable, have you taken the necessary steps to ensure that your family, loved ones and those dearest to you are financially and legally secure, should something happen to you?

If not, then it’s time to start gathering your documents and compile your death checklist.

Time Waits For Nobody. So Why Would It Wait For You? 

One of the very first questions that I make sure to ask new clients is whether or not they have access to all of their necessary legal documentation, should something fatal or life-changing happen to them.

And being a business coach, I’ve come to find that a significant portion of large business owners tend to avoid consideration of their personal risks – solely focusing their time and energy on business risks, instead.

But if something had to happen to them, what would happen to their family?

As a business owner, it’s extremely important to know whether or not you have your last will and testament on standby; if you have shareholder certificates between partners (provided you have partners); and if you have insurance for things like income protection and product liability.

Witnessing, first-hand, how so many successful entrepreneurs ignore the importance of having access to that documentation is quite shocking (and irresponsible), to say the least.

It not only puts your business at risk, but your family, as well.

If you don’t have a written will upon death, then you run the risk of your business being terminated and the assets liquidated to settle any debts, with little left for your family; your profits and losses are transferred according to the decision of the country/state you live in; and shares are given to either a spouse, children or valid family member with the responsibility to pay inheritance tax.

This could lead to issues for partners that now find themselves in business with people that they don’t know, whether experienced or inexperienced, and can cause problems between families and shareholders with regards to the valuation of the business.

While it’s essential to have the correct documentation on standby, should something go wrong, it becomes necessary to know which documents you need to have access to. So I’ve developed a checklist of those documents you need as a business owner:

Copy of Your Will

Where is your will? Is it up-to-date? Does your lawyer have a copy? As I mentioned above, there are certain risks that come without having an updated will ready.

Unabridged Birth Certificate

Is a birth certificate with the names and identity information of both parents or legal guardians. It becomes important if you have children that might want to travel overseas or if you’re planning to send them for schooling or to relocate.


Having a copy of your ID or at least making your family aware of its whereabouts is helpful for any legal situations that might arise. It will be used to prove who you are when dealing with the registration of your death, funeral matters and handling your estate.

Marriage Certificate

Similar to the points made for the requirement of an ID – it’s highly important for when dealing with your will, estate, funeral and registration of death.

Marriage Contract

This can affect your will and the distribution of assets to your spouse. Depending on whether or not you sign an antenuptial agreement, the marriage contract will help in determining how your assets and debts are shared.

Death Certificate

Will come to affect certain legal processes if you are to pass away. It serves as the necessary proof for your family to claim life insurance, settle estates and even arrange the funeral

Recent Tax Assessment

To help define the amount in taxes that need to be paid for that final tax year. There are generally two forms of tax that apply to the deceased: Estate Duty and Capital Gains Tax. The Estate Duty is a tax that applies to the deceased individual’s property and Capital Gains Tax applies to any profit made from selling an asset.

Passwords for banking and devices

Passing away means that your passwords also get buried with you. In order to give your family access to any money in your bank account(s), they need your security information. And in the case that you have all of the necessary documentation on the death checklist, and it sits on the cloud or in a safe – there needs to be a place to get access to it. Your passwords and pin codes are important.

Bank Details

If you haven’t set your account(s) as Payable on Death to a beneficiary, the legal process behind it can become difficult. Your account can ultimately be drained through paying debts and fees, preventing any family from ever seeing or using it. It’s wise to keep them informed, or leave information for them to access those accounts, should anything happen.

List of monthly debit orders

Nobody wants to be surprised when dealing with monthly notifications of gym memberships, purchases or anything else that might be charged from your account(s) if you should pass away or become disabled. This can be a painful reminder or even a hassle – so keep a list and avoid surprises.

List of insurance, investments and funds

if you’ve made any investments or have any funds or insurance that might be helpful when dealing with the handling of your estate, then keep a list of them that can be kept together with all of your other important information.

Copies of insurance and funeral policies

The same applies to the legal procedures taken to deal with your estate. It’s important to help prove what insurance policies you’ve taken out. It will also help with arranging and paying out your funeral costs. Remember to leave a contact name and number behind of the person that handles everything.

Lease Agreement

To determine the terms of your lease. Landlords are able to keep charging rental fees depending on the length and terms that you’ve signed, so keeping that agreement with the rest of your documents can be helpful for your family to either pay it off or to take legal action.

Proof of Medical Aid and Gap Cover

In the case that you become disabled or deal with a crippling event, then both medical aid and gap cover documents are absolutely essential. If it’s a case of death, then providing proof of those policies will help your family with making a claim from the medical aid.

Title Deeds for Properties

Should you pass away, then having your title deeds collected and kept in an accessible place will be helpful to your family when you leave them property(ies). It also helps to avoid transfer duty costs if you’ve left your property to an heir.

Partnership Agreements

If you die without a legal agreement between your partners to keep operating, then the business will usually cease to operate and dissolve. Unless you’ve stated that your partner(s) must maintain operation of the company, then you forfeit the hard work that you would’ve put into the business for your family.

Although it might be scary (or crappy) to think about, it’s your responsibility to ensure that all of the important documentation is readily accessible, should something happen.

Get it all sorted. Make the effort. Your family and partners deserve it.

It took me quite some time to compile this important list and I’d appreciate it if you took the time to gather and accumulate all of those documents.

If you need any advice regarding the list, running your business or making good decisions – then give me a call, send me an email, drop a message [before you drop dead]:

+2783 253 3339

small business consultant cape town

It’s Time To T.E.C.H. (Teach Each Customer How)

By Business Coaching Entrepreneur Sales No Comments

So your business provides a great product or service, you have clients that appreciate what you do for them and business is going great, but there’s a certain issue that keeps coming up: a lack of understanding as to what you actually do.

Different industries require different processes and the more technical the service is, the harder it becomes for the client or customer to understand.

So in order for you to get better results, it’s essential that you teach or explain to your customers how and why you do certain things for the service to work effectively.small business consultant cape town

That’s why I’ve come up with the acronym TECH, to help remind you that teaching them how your service operates can be helpful in more ways than one.

Teach Them How

A lot of the conversations with business owners have revealed to me a recurring frustration that they deal with. I often hear, “most clients don’t understand the technical side of the work or service that we provide for them,” and it often becomes an issue when doing the job.

Some spaces that require technical knowledge, such as software development, engineering, etc. come to find that the client doesn’t always understand the work that needs to be done or the processes that go into providing the service.

Most clients end up seeing the output, the end result or the reason for doing the job in the first place.

Many of these clients often don’t understand why certain things can’t be tweaked or changed to suit their needs in an immediate manner, simply because they don’t understand what happens in the background.

That’s why it comes down to you, as the business owner, to TECH.

You need to have the ability to clarify and simplify your service into an easily digestible explanation that helps to paint a picture of your processes, procedures and ultimately, the work that you do for the client.

I’m not saying that you should jump the gun and give away your IP, but by making it clear that you have to go through certain steps in order to achieve your end result, you’re allowing for the customer to understand why you do the things you do and that it takes time and an iterative process to give them what they want.

By doing this, you deal with less confusion from the client and they won’t be as demanding, which allows you to do your job more effectively and without any added pressure or frustration.

You need to show or explain to them that your job or service doesn’t just happen overnight, as you have to first lay a foundation, build the walls, place the roof and still test everything to ensure there are no issues, bugs or kinks that need work.

If your client can comprehend what you do in an untechnical manner, then you’re provided with more time, freedom and flexibility. This will also allow for less complicated expectations, as they know that your process takes time, because of x, y and z.

Teaching Each Customer How is also quite easy, as there are a few different options to pick from: you can explain it to them face-to-face, through documentation, a video that you create, or even via email, text or a phone call.

Your goal should be to give them as much clarity and transparency as possible, so that trust and understanding is formed.

Also, don’t forget just how important word-of-mouth can be. By painting them a clear picture of how your business and service operates, you allow for them to explain to other potential clients how you do the work and how open you are to include them in the process.

Try not to be esoteric in your approach, as giving people clarity will result in them giving you their trust.

My role as a business coach will see that you understand exactly how your business should operate for it to be effective, remarkable and in a constant state of growth.

I’ll teach you how to TECH and show you exactly how I approach business owners and leaders; what routes to take when the road is foggy, when to lay down your anchor and realign your crew, and how to implement the right strategies when the wrong competition comes along.

Let me teach you how:

+2783 253 3339


I Wrote The Wrong Bloody Book!

By Business Coaching Freelance Strategy No Comments

As an entrepreneur, freelancer, consultant or a professional in any field, for that matter – try and stray away from dipping your fingers into too many flavours and always be aware of the shiny pennies that might arrest your attention on your journey.

Take it from me, I’ve had to learn the hard way.

While it has certainly been a great journey in self-discovery and personal growth, I’ve found myself quite deep-down certain rabbit holes and it goes without saying that I have my regrets. (Now my fingers are sticky and my pockets sag with those heavy pennies.)

Take Caution When Delving Into Rabbit Holes 

In the previous business that I owned, I became known by friends, family, staff and the food manufacturing industry as “The Atchar King”, where I was renowned for my excellent product and the great service that my business provided in that industry.

At the time it was certainly convenient for my identity, as that level of credibility can take you and your business to great levels and leave lasting impressions of you.

And I’d be lying if I told you that being dubbed a king at something wasn’t pretty damn cool.

However, that doesn’t quite carry through to my current occupation and the business coaching that I provide to my clients today. It would be great if it did, but it instead takes away from the image and identity that I’m cultivating at this moment in time.

When I started coaching in 2012, I began gaining traction in the media, communications and technology spaces, slowly becoming known as the guy that provides great entrepreneurial advice and insight to business owners in those industries. I had just started building a name for myself, when I made the mistake of chasing a shiny penny.

For those who are unaware of the concept, a shiny penny is any form of distraction from the original destination that you’ve chosen to move towards. When your business is heading to a particular destination, shiny pennies often pop up along the way and realign your focus onto other ideas, concepts or projects that you might believe are beneficial to your company at the time, but end up affecting the resources and effort that should be spent on moving towards your intended goal.

So I found myself a shiny, new penny: the freelance space.

I Got Distracted With Writing The Wrong Book

It had interested me for quite some time that the freelance space was one that businesses could utilise to cut back on the expenses of having permanent staff and that particular roles could be outsourced whenever it was required – and so I went down a deep rabbit hole.

As an interesting and insightful piece of content, I landed up interviewing 64 agency owners around their use of freelancers so that I could better understand how well the strategy worked for them, what their frustrations were, whether certain things didn’t work and all of the pros and cons that come with this approach to running a business.

With all of this great information that I had accumulated, I came up with a report and it ended up gaining plenty of traction and interest – to the extent that I wrote a book about the freelance space and how to successfully run a freelance business.

It was a 2-year long project that I undertook, with a lot of time, money and effort spent on the process of writing and self-publishing it.

It didn’t end up being such a bad thing, as it was transformed into an engaging set of course material, where it was lectured and taught at a few tertiary institutions and I had even done some talks around it in a few different environments – but it ultimately took away from the identity I’ve been aiming to achieve.

People started referring to me as “the freelance coach”, which isn’t what I do, or advocate.

The shiny penny that I had picked up and took with me on my journey was becoming a part of my identity and started to define the clients that I would attract. Truth be told, this works wonders if that is the particular niche, or double-niche, that you want people to recognise you for, but it’s not what I wanted.

I don’t want to be known as “the freelance guy”, or “the freelance coach”; it’s not what I offer and it takes away from the core of my business, who I am and what I do.

It takes time to change the narrative around the identity that you’re given surrounding a product or service that you’ve offered or sold and I’m still working towards changing people’s views on what I actually provide to them as a business coach.

Rubbing Salt In My Wounds 

As if writing and publishing that book wasn’t enough of a reason to distract people from the service that I actually provide and what I yearned to be recognised for, I decided to share my Business Bikes And Breakfast Radical Accountability Program (BBBRAP) with the world.

It was still in-line with the direction I wanted to take in coaching and included a great passion of mine, but people started to attach that niche that I created as a label around what I do.

Taking a slightly different approach, I published a lot of what I did in BBBRAP as visual content on the different platforms that I was on and soon became known as “the guy that does bike events”, or that I “coach bikers.”

This was, again, something that I didn’t want to be exclusively known for and I’ve had to learn the hard way to avoid making mistakes like this.

Stopping to admire and pick up the shiny pennies that constantly draw you in becomes problematic when developing an identity or image that you’re trying to make stick in people’s minds.

So I implore you to be careful of the distractions that come your way and always be aware of quick-sinking rabbit holes, as well as the glimmering shiny pennies that might detract from your core business identity and main source of income.

Try and keep away from these types of distractions if they aren’t going to enhance the image, label or personality that you’re attempting to cultivate around your business, product or service.

Like I mentioned earlier – I’ve had to learn the hard way and find it quite difficult to redirect the narrative people have of me and what I provide as a business coach.

For some real business coaching, without the labels of ‘freelance’ or ‘biker coach’, then feel free to get into contact with me for advice, strategic planning, understanding the market and growing a powerful and profound business.

I can assist you with all of that and plenty more.

Don’t be under the assumption that I’m just a badass biker freelance wizard coach – I have so much to offer you and your business.

It’s easy to find me, chat to me and set up the meeting that will change your life and business for the better:

+2783 253 3339

But, I mean, if you are interested in that book of mine or keen on biking and business – I’m still your guy!

Take The Time To Make A T.I.L.T List

By Business Coaching Creative Motivation No Comments

Constantly striving to keep your mind active, dynamic and engaged in learning can be heaps of fun and by dedicating a portion of your day to educating yourself around new constructs and concepts you’re able to grow exponentially as a human, broaden your perspectives, enhance problem-solving skills and transform your life, as well as others.

Developing an insatiable hunger for information will elevate you, opening new avenues of thought and best of all: Have you appear as the smartest person in the room.As a business coach, I need to always be ahead of the game and have pertinent knowledge around as much as I possibly can in order to guide and advise my clients in the most effective way – so, over the years I’ve been working on my TILT list and recommend that you start yours today.

Things I Learnt Today – T.I.L.T 

Everytime, I have an interesting and new client (all of my clients are interesting, don’t get me wrong), they constantly motivate me to learn new things, pushing me to seek out as much information about the topics and concepts discussed in our meetings as possible.

All of my clients are either constantly reading new information, exposing themselves to different industries and always learning and experiencing new horizons – so there’s never a shortage of new knowledge to be confronted by and consumed.

They would often teach me things that I had never heard of and so I’ve developed a tendency to engage in extra reading or studying the different ideas and concepts that were brought up after each coaching session. To make things easier, I write down anything that I want to familiarise myself with on a list that I go through on a daily basis.

So I dubbed that list the TILT list – Or the list of Things I Learnt Today.

Even on days that I don’t want to learn something new, I realised that forcing yourself to make that effort is very important for personal growth and development.Plus, as a coach that engages with so many different clients, I have to constantly be ahead of the curve and more informed than them – I have to ensure that I know as much, if not more, than they do about the topics, concepts and constructs that are discussed in our sessions.

Engaging in deep learning is fundamental to the growth process of any human being and so I make sure that I do that at any given opportunity. When I’m presented (or confronted) with new information – be it a quote, a simplistic or complex business problem, or solution – I learn as much as I can about it and reflect on what I’ve learned before the day is done.

Doing this has become helpful in numerous ways; not only do I ensure an ever-expanding repository of knowledge within my brain, but I’m able to share advantageous knowledge, insight and guidance with everybody that I come into contact with.It’s a very simple idea to wrap your head around and to begin implementing into your daily regimen.

We’re engrossed in an age where information is readily available to us through the tap of a finger and it would be ridiculous not to take advantage of that immediate and quick access to data.

I take absolute pleasure in introducing the idea of creating a TILT list to my clients whenever I have the opportunity and if you haven’t already done something similar – I urge you to start one today.

There are certainly no negatives that come with delving into the endless supply of educational material that we intercept on a frequent basis and there’s plenty of literature out there to prove exactly why it will make you a better and more productive human being.

Don’t believe me? Ask Google. Witness the benefits as they begin to bombard you.

What’s that? You want some more for your list? Was that not enough for you?

I don’t know if you know this, but I have loads of knowledge and experience around making you and your business achieve miracles and make that memorable impact that you desire.

There’s literally so much information and practical insight that I’m even giving it away for free. Imagine what I can give to you through my exclusive coaching sessions. Imagine.

I’ll make it easy for you and bring you one step closer – these are my contact details:

+2783 253 3339


The T-Shape Entrepreneur – Developing Skills On The Periphery

By Business Coaching Entrepreneur Motivation No Comments

One of the greatest benefits of finishing university or college is that you walk away proud and armed with a new skill set, newly qualified and capable of filling a particular role in that field, but what you’ll come to find is that you are limited in your ability to actually turn that skill into starting a business.

With that new qualification, whether it’s in law, design, coding or whatever you spent the time, effort and resources on, starting a business around that skill will bring about a whole new set of learning that needs to be undertaken in order to succeed in it.

When I talk about this to clients, I use the imagery of the letter ‘T’, where you’re given a horizontal and vertical line that represents your current capability (the vertical line) and the new skills required to become a great entrepreneur (the horizontal line).


Thicken Your Horizontal Line To Become The Best Entrepreneur, Possible 

By taking a look at that ‘T’ shape, you’ll come to find that the vertical line starts out longer and more prominent than the horizontal; this represents the expertise that you’ve acquired in your studies and it’s up to you to either thicken or lengthen it, or begin working on the knowledge required to actually start and successfully run a business.

If your plan is to strengthen the vertical line, then you will end up paying more attention and giving more time to developing the profession that you chose to study. As you strengthen this line, your experience and ability in providing that service or skill will be of better use to those that need that role filled.

This motivation to keep developing that skill is indicative of a great employee and when searching for people to fill a particular role in your business, that’s exactly a trait that you would want in an ideal candidate.

As that vertical line gets thicker and longer, your horizontal line remains small and diminishes in size. This is perfectly fine if you want to be a great addition to a company and become an expert and achieve mastery in that field, but doesn’t work very well if your goal or plan is to become an entrepreneur and start a business.

If your quest or objective is to start and run a successful business, then you need to pay far more attention to the horizontal line and start developing knowledge in other fields.

As I’ve mentioned, you walk away from your studies qualified to fill a role and without the knowledge required to turn that qualification into an actual business. Running a business requires far more knowledge in a variety of fields, such as accounting, HR, sales, marketing, business strategy and far more than what you gained in your studies.

By taking the time and effort to thicken the horizontal line, you begin to focus on the peripheral skills needed to operate a business – which is necessary to achieve success.


Spend Less Time On Your Vertical Line 

If your aim is to start a business around your skill, or any other skill for that matter, you need to learn to focus on the other aspects that a business requires to be successful.

To achieve more, you need to begin educating yourself on the other fundamental pieces that make up a business and become multi-faceted in your abilities and expertise to understand the symbiotic relationships and processes that are present in the operation of one.

Even though you’ll have to come to terms with neglecting your vertical line, you produce the effort required to develop new areas that will ultimately enhance your identity and character – leaving you far more aware and knowledgeable around company operations and culture.

It will be far more difficult to run a company on just the basic skill that you’ve acquired, so exercising your ability to thicken out and lengthen your horizontal line is of the utmost importance in building, managing and structuring the business that you aim to create.

I recommend focusing on these other necessary requirements to make your horizontal line stand out and that doesn’t exactly mean that you should neglect your current skill or profession; you just spend less energy on enhancing that which you know and more on that which you don’t.

Being an entrepreneur isn’t the easiest thing to do, but by focusing on the right things you’ll take yourself much further than attempting to do it with just that qualification in your field.

So thicken up that horizontal line, get to learning and improve your knowledge on the many factors that will come with understanding the business you want to run. Your journey only begins once you acquire the skill and although it’s challenging, you’ll thank me later.

Or! You can thank me now and begin thickening out that horizontal line with a business coach which has the experience, knowledge, shortcuts and expertise to get you on track faster than going at it alone.

If you’re planning on starting a business and don’t quite know where to begin or have a vague idea of what needs to be done; I can be of great assistance to you.

Let me in and let me advise you on the steps to take to speed up that process. You can call me, text me or email me – I’m always happy to help.


+2783 253 3339