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Growth in your absence: How to take a sabbatical without your business needing you

By Business Coaching Coaching Consulting Strategy No Comments

Here’s the dream for most business owners…

They want to mature a business to the point where they can take 3 months off at once and not open a single email from that remote beach in Tahiti. Now imagine doing that and coming back to a business that has grown in sales, margin and people?

Impossible? Well, not really. I’m going to show you how.

But first, why are you doing this?

You want your business to thrive without you

While you, Founder and CEO, are working in the business daily you are not always able to see which elements of the business can’t survive (nay! thrive!) without you, as you just keep smoothing over those cracks with your time and remarkable skills. The trick is to step away and let the team swim in the deep end. But not all at once.

Start with one week first

Start with setting a time-based goal. Let’s say in 3 years you want to take off 3 months and not worry about the organisation you have left behind, you’ll need to train that muscle first. So start with one week. Here’s your to-do list:


Play pretend leave.

Plan a week’s “holiday” in about a month or 2 from today.


See if your 2IC can see you through the choppy seas.

Pick your 2IC [second in command] and let him/her become the central bottleneck and filter for all information in the business in your absence.


Daily information you want to know.

Decide on which key pieces of information you want to know daily, and when and how you want to receive this. Examples are; sales, pipeline, profits, marketing metrics, people metrics, retention stats, cash flows, volumes of delivery, process changes and general red flags.


Create a RAG rating for the daily information 

You should also then categorise all this info into a RAG rating [Red, Amber and Green].

Green: Items you want to know about that are in the band of acceptability.

Amber: those that have some level of issue and escalation, but are being managed internally. You are not needed. Revert back to ice-cold G&T.

Red: Concerns, problems or issues that the team and your 2IC can’t manage. G&T is set aside to deal with issue urgently.


Wrap that information up, tweet style.

If you had to condense all this info into a single “140-character tweet” – how could you do that and get that via Whatsapp/email once a day, at close of business? That’s what you need to do before you depart.


Don’t leave yet! Test it first.  

Test this model for a few weeks before you leave. Explain to the whole company that you are on holiday [dammit!] and will not be available unless there is a genuine emergency [marked as RED.]


Pour G&T…and watch.  

Take the week off, allowing the team to manage and maintain the business with no expectation of growth or anything fancy. The team must track all issues that cropped up that they could not deal with.


Compiling the fracture list

From your time away, you’ll build a list. It includes the issues that cropped up while you were away that couldn’t be handled without you as well as the parts you always cover anyway (that were not delegated to the team in your absence). These are the fractures in your business that need repairs.


Fixing the Fractures (metal rods, plates & screws not needed)

Over the coming weeks, create processes and train your team on how to handle and think about solutions to the problems that arose while you were away.

Do you want growth in your absence? 

Then take leave again…and again…and again.  

Every time you go away you are stress testing the business. Now plan the next trip. If you can, make it a few days longer and again follow the steps above. If you keep adding days to the “holidays” and repeat the process every 2-3 months, you should be forcing the business to mature internally to a point where it can at the very least maintain itself. Now to be clear, when I say go on holiday every couple of months, you may not practically be able to do that but then afford yourself the time to work away from the usual spaces. Gift yourself the time to be strategic in nature, so that you can build more structure and process in order to take the next big leap – growth in your absence.

Freedom begins when you give authority, training and trust

After a few repetitions in this cycle, you should see obvious brittleness in some of your people, your operating processes and the dependency of the business on you.

Let’s be honest, you are still most likely overseeing invoicing, sales and high level client engagements – all tasks that you must solve for by giving authority, training and trust to people in the business to solve. Remember if you are doing a task the same way more than once it should be automated, delegated or outsourced.

Share this article with your COO, 2IC or your whole team. You’d be surprised as to how excited your people will get at taking on more autonomy, decision-making and strategic responsibility. In this context, sharing really is caring.



[Extra special shout out to heavyweight B2B content writers at Shelf-Made for the edit!]

Weird Flex, but OKAY – The Spillly Testimonials

By Business Coaching Consulting Motivation Uncategorised No Comments

It’s been a rollercoaster 2-years for everybody, and we’ve all had to deal with a crazy and truly unpredictable shit-storm.

But one thing that I can be extremely chuffed about is the adoration and exaltation that I’ve received from my superb, ingenious and downright magnificent clients.

In stroking my massive ego, they’ve made me feel all warm and giddy inside and I couldn’t have asked to work with better people on my journey as a business coach. So, much, much thanks goes out to them!

Endorsements From Every Angle! 

I was recently caught in an avalanche of awesome testimonials by some of my favourite clients and they had a few tear-jerking things to say about how I operate as a business coach.

Apparently, I’m deeply understanding and extremely easy to get along with – being seen by my clients and referred to as a mentor, friend, confidant and a no-bullshit kind of guy.

You hear that? Damn right. I won’t tolerate any kind of shit, be it from a bull or a horse.

Getting back such stunning feedback and praise provides one of those things that we all most certainly love to receive: recognition.

Recognised for my ability to offer practical solutions; high levels of openness and transparency; a deep understanding of my clients’ journey (we’re talking ocean-floor depths); and most importantly: trust.

Any business owner needs someone that they can trust, (and trust me) it gets lonely at the top, where there’s always an abundance of starving, lurking and opportunistic piranhas.

You could say that (although my clients have already beat you to it), I act as an energetic, informative, tactical, straightforward vault of information with a mouth attached. Or a sort-of business therapist, if you want to be boring about it. Never betraying the trust of a client, especially with the amount of highly-confidential information that is hermetically sealed in my big, bald head, I’m tied to an oath similar to that of Omertà.

Waterboard me, whip me, castrate me – try your worst, I’ll never speak.

Definitely one of the coolest compliments I’ve received is that I’m like a smorgasbord – multifaceted in my approach, with so much insight to offer and straight-up delicious (okay, I squeezed in the delicious part, myself, but you get the point).

And another common, cool and creative comment about my coaching-style is that I always bring an authentic energy to my clients, so contagious that it energises them for the rest of the day. How cool is that? These people are amazing!

I appreciate every single one of these clients, friends, colleagues, comrades that I work with and coach – they make me fall deeper and deeper in love with what I do.

So, cheers to them! Cheers to you! And cheers to us seeing the next couple of years through!


small business consultant cape town

It’s Time To T.E.C.H. (Teach Each Customer How)

By Business Coaching Entrepreneur Sales No Comments

So your business provides a great product or service, you have clients that appreciate what you do for them and business is going great, but there’s a certain issue that keeps coming up: a lack of understanding as to what you actually do.

Different industries require different processes and the more technical the service is, the harder it becomes for the client or customer to understand.

So in order for you to get better results, it’s essential that you teach or explain to your customers how and why you do certain things for the service to work effectively.small business consultant cape town

That’s why I’ve come up with the acronym TECH, to help remind you that teaching them how your service operates can be helpful in more ways than one.

Teach Them How

A lot of the conversations with business owners have revealed to me a recurring frustration that they deal with. I often hear, “most clients don’t understand the technical side of the work or service that we provide for them,” and it often becomes an issue when doing the job.

Some spaces that require technical knowledge, such as software development, engineering, etc. come to find that the client doesn’t always understand the work that needs to be done or the processes that go into providing the service.

Most clients end up seeing the output, the end result or the reason for doing the job in the first place.

Many of these clients often don’t understand why certain things can’t be tweaked or changed to suit their needs in an immediate manner, simply because they don’t understand what happens in the background.

That’s why it comes down to you, as the business owner, to TECH.

You need to have the ability to clarify and simplify your service into an easily digestible explanation that helps to paint a picture of your processes, procedures and ultimately, the work that you do for the client.

I’m not saying that you should jump the gun and give away your IP, but by making it clear that you have to go through certain steps in order to achieve your end result, you’re allowing for the customer to understand why you do the things you do and that it takes time and an iterative process to give them what they want.

By doing this, you deal with less confusion from the client and they won’t be as demanding, which allows you to do your job more effectively and without any added pressure or frustration.

You need to show or explain to them that your job or service doesn’t just happen overnight, as you have to first lay a foundation, build the walls, place the roof and still test everything to ensure there are no issues, bugs or kinks that need work.

If your client can comprehend what you do in an untechnical manner, then you’re provided with more time, freedom and flexibility. This will also allow for less complicated expectations, as they know that your process takes time, because of x, y and z.

Teaching Each Customer How is also quite easy, as there are a few different options to pick from: you can explain it to them face-to-face, through documentation, a video that you create, or even via email, text or a phone call.

Your goal should be to give them as much clarity and transparency as possible, so that trust and understanding is formed.

Also, don’t forget just how important word-of-mouth can be. By painting them a clear picture of how your business and service operates, you allow for them to explain to other potential clients how you do the work and how open you are to include them in the process.

Try not to be esoteric in your approach, as giving people clarity will result in them giving you their trust.

My role as a business coach will see that you understand exactly how your business should operate for it to be effective, remarkable and in a constant state of growth.

I’ll teach you how to TECH and show you exactly how I approach business owners and leaders; what routes to take when the road is foggy, when to lay down your anchor and realign your crew, and how to implement the right strategies when the wrong competition comes along.

Let me teach you how:

+2783 253 3339